Chronic Respiratory Diseases: Managing Asthma and COPD

Experience relief from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma in Southfield, MI, after consulting Dr. Antoine Geffrard of RMS Consultations.

Effective Strategies for Managing Asthma

 Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition resulting from unnatural changes to your body’s airways. During an asthma attack, the muscles near those airways may tighten up and restrict your breathing. Increased mucus production combined with swelling can further limit the quick movement of air through its normal passageways.

Shortness of breath is not the only indicator you are having an asthma attack. During that episode, you may also experience tightness in your chest and continuous coughing fits. The distinct sound of wheezing may also accompany your breathing. If your asthma attack occurs at night, you may also have difficulty sleeping.

Effective management is critical for asthma because the condition can worsen over time. Your management plan must involve the proper identification of your triggers. Once your triggers have been identified, you can work to minimize your exposure to them and reduce the frequency of your flare-ups. If allergens trigger your asthma attacks, you must also avoid those substances.

Doctors may also prescribe medication for your case of asthma. Some medications your doctor prescribes may be formulated to provide immediate relief. Others may be designed to keep your symptoms under control long-term.

Southfield, MI, residents can seek asthma treatment solutions from a doctor or specialist physician.

Comprehensive Solutions for Managing COPD

 While not as widely known as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease remains a troublesome condition. You may also hear it referred to as COPD.

COPD refers to multiple conditions that can significantly damage different elements of the respiratory system. Examples of those conditions include emphysema and chronic bronchitis.

Many of the symptoms associated with COPD, such as shortness of breath, chest tightening, and wheezing, are reminiscent of asthma. However, additional symptoms differentiate COPD from asthma. Those symptoms include weight loss and lower energy levels.

Furthermore, asthma and COPD differ in terms of their primary cause. Most of the time, the occurrence of COPD is related to smoking.

The primary treatment for COPD is dropping your smoking habit. Dropping your smoking habit can prevent further damage to your respiratory system and open the door for recovery.

In addition to helping you stop smoking, your doctor can also prescribe different forms of medication to manage your symptoms. Your doctor can also teach you exercises that will limit the times you experience labored breathing.  Continue taking medication and performing those exercises until your breathing permanently improves.

Breathe Easy Today

 Schedule treatment sessions for COPD and asthma in Southfield, MI, by calling (248) 663-5353 and speaking to Dr. Geffrard of RMS Consultations. 

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